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Tax Controversy and Dispute Resolution

Taxpayers are constantly exposed to mistakes by tax authorities or unconstitutional legislation. In light of these injustices, our team of attorneys is prepared to defend the rights of our clients. Here are some legal avenues for doing so:

Tax Counseling and Petitions:

To prevent future issues, our legal team can advise and represent our clients when filing petitions and consultation returns to the Tax Administrations. Moreover, our attorneys can appeal the Tax Administrations’ audits to avoid unfair tax determinations.

Tax Litigation:

PGA’s lawyers will defend our clients when they disagree with tax authorities. This includes filing a petition with tax authorities or tax tribunals. Additionally, our attorneys can file amparo complaints in case of constitutional deficiencies, regardless of whether the authority is Federal, State, or Local.

Some of these authorities include the Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT; Federal Tax Administration), Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS; Social Security Administration), Instituto del Fondo Nacional de Vivienda para los Trabajadores (INFONAVIT; Housing Credit Authority), among others. The contributions that can lead to a dispute include Corporate and Individual Income Tax (ISR), Business Flat Tax (IETU), VAT (IVA), Duties (Impuestos al Comercio Exterior), Property Tax (Predial), Improvement Taxes (Contribuciones de Mejora), Social Security Taxes (Cuotas Obrero-Patronales del IMSS), among others.

Amparo complaint against Legislation:

The amparo complaint can be filed against legislation deemed unconstitutional when it has a direct impact on our clients. The time to file the complaint is when the law enters into force or when it is enforced for the first time. Our legal team has vast experience in defending such infringements to our Constitution.

The provisions that can be declared unconstitutional may arise from treaties, federal and state law, federal, state, and local regulations, decrees, and other forms of law.

If you are interested in any of our services or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you!